Tips To Save Money On Car Insurance For College Students
Going off to college with your car can be a must depending on how close to campus you will live and the availability of public transportation. Of course, the costs associated with a car – fuel, insurance, and maintenance – can be a strain on the average student budget. The following tips can help you bring down the cost of your insurance so you have enough to cover the rest.
Tip #1: Stay on your parents' policy
There's no need to take out your own policy when you head to college. As long as you still use your parents' address as your permanent address while you are a student, you can stay on their policy. This means you can take advantage of the discounts they enjoy, such as multi-car or multi-policy discounts. Your rate is also lower because chances are your parents have a better, more developed credit history as well as other things that bring down the overall policy amount, such as good driver discounts.
Tip #2: Consider a class
A defensive driving class can go a long way toward bringing down the cost of a student's policy. This is especially true if you currently live in a rural area and you are moving to a more populated area – the insurance company may give you a discount for taking a defensive driving course in preparation. If you have had a ticket in the past, some insurance companies will reverse a risk rate hike if you take a class. Contact your agency to find out what class discounts they offer before you head to school.
Tip #3: Invest in a parking pass
Many insurance companies base part of your rate on where the car is parked most of the time. This means it can be well worth it to pay for a parking pass in the security patrolled lot rather than taking chances with free street parking near your dorms. You may even qualify for a greater discount if you can rent a space in a garage or carport, since this also protects the car from weather-related damage.
Tip #4: Watch your GPA
You likely knew about good student discounts when you were in high school. The good news is that they can continue all through your college career. Discounts rates vary by insurance company, but generally they are available to students that maintain a B average or above.
For more help, check out websites like and contact an insurance agent in your area.